Sunday, March 23, 2008

The coming collapse

With the latest Gilded Age fading and a new Depression dawning, it's important to get out ahead of the corporate spin. The latest issue of The Nation has a terrific article outlining our government's recent corporate giveaway, having steered us to the edge of economic catastrophe. We hear a lot in the mainstream media echo chamber when taxpayers have to bail out ordinary citizens in over their heads in home mortgages and other debt such as student loans; but on a much larger scale, the Federal Reserve, with your tax dollars, under secret terms, and after a quarter century of failing to regulate the market, just completed a bail-out of the fifth largest investment bank in the U.S., Bear Stearns, and set itself up for possibly 20 more of the same in the coming years.

Speculative greed on Wall Street and a lack of law and order towards big business led us to this financial precipice. Only a popular uprising by the common people can steer us back away from it. Our government has to be wrestled away from the corporate lobbyists, the polluters, and the neo-robber barons. That means citizens refusing to compromise politically, or continuing to hand over control of our most deeply-held rights and principles to candidates and Washington "insiders" who don't have our collective interests at heart. At a Madison Square Garden rally in 1936, one of the two greatest presidents in our history, Franklin Roosevelt, said of his opponents in the wealthy class, "They are unanimous in their hatred of me-- and I welcome their hatred." Demands for change have to be just this militant.


At 11:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wall Street is run by Ivy League educated MBA's and JD's who are about 90 percent Jewish. They don't accept or want input by anyone outside of demographic. What they say is the final word on Corporate America. Oh yeah they are pretty much all registered democrats.
I would personally like to thank those all knowing liberals who once again don't know that the enemy is right under their nose.

Regards, Charles Keating (D)


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