Friday, March 14, 2008

The war continues...

It's important that we be reminded that America's imperial war on the Iraqi people is still going on. Eighty percent of Iraqis want the occupation to end, but each of the remaining major party political candidates for president in this country are offering plans to continue our military presence in the region and to spend billions and billions of our tax dollars in doing it.

The national news media doesn't even cover the war anymore, concerning itself instead with the beauty pageant between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. The Project for Excellence in Journalism found that only 3% of news in February was devoted to the war, down from 15% in July. Probably as a result, a new poll by the Pew Research Center finds that only 28% of American adults are able to correctly identify the American casualty count at "approximately 4,000."

The so-called "liberal" media is asleep at the switch, and again we're witness to the actions of Democratic party leaders destroying a once-powerful progressive political movement. The Peace Movement, symbolized by Cindy Sheehan's public face of courage in 2002 and 2003, was turned over to the Obamas, Clintons, Pelosis, Reids, and Hoyers in Washington, and now the Democrats have another scalp of progressive action hanging from their collective belt.


Once upon a time it was fun to read about Eliot Spitzer going hard after Wall Street crooks, but the prosecutor-turned-governor has also been revealed as a fat hypocrite since he had been tough on prostitution as well.

Why again is prostitution illegal? The differences between America's failed treatment of drug abuse and its failed treatment of prostitution are negligible.


Spitzer's scandal doesn't effect Hillary Clinton's campaign in the slightest. Americans still don't think of Clinton as being from New York.


A million internet hits and late night jokes later, Spitzer is out as New York governor, but no one remembers that Tommy Lasorda did the same thing.


Last night, I could hear the next door neighbors hammering nails into the wall and there's been a lot of rustling of furniture and large packages being left at their door. They're playing hard ball on this thing.


Are you aware that they made a "Bachelor Party 2"?


The movie "Harold and Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay" looks like a hoot, but I hope you don't have to have seen their first film to know what's going on.


At 12:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The first "Harold and Kumar" is actually funny, almost as good as "Dirty Work".

At 12:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tommy Lasorda? say it ain't so Joe.

At 5:16 PM, Blogger CM said...

I think it may have been a new weight loss program for Tommy.


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