Saturday, February 23, 2008

Moeller TV Listings 2/23/08

Citizen activist Ralph Nader will appear on NBC's "Meet the Press" tomorrow morning, and all signs point to an announcement there of a 2008 independent run for president. Nader sent an email to supporters on Friday asking the question of what's been already "pulled off the table by the corporatized political machines in this momentous year?"

His answer to that question, "Cutting the huge, bloated and wasteful military budget, adopting a single-payer Canadian-style national health insurance system, impeaching Bush/Cheney, opposing nuclear power-- among many others."

I would single out "free" trade and America's imperial presence in the Middle East as two of those many other issues that have not been raised or were immediately dismissed in what has been a primary season more concerned with the politics of rhetorical style than policy substance.

Outside of their typical attempted backroom double-dealing and illegal ballot shenanigans state to state, there is only one way for Democrats to make Nader a non-factor in November, and that is to co-opt his political message. But since this hasn't been done by either of the two remaining Democratic candidates during the run of the party nomination process, it's unlikely that it would happen during the race against the Republican nominee when Democrats traditionally tack to the center-right of the political spectrum where they wrongly assume the majority of Americans to be.

Ralph Nader is providing campaign information and taking financial contributions at


At 12:36 PM, Blogger ryanshaunkelly said...

Awake from your slumber
4 Wise Men march with the people
Washington DC

Honesty compassion intelligence guts
Not carrots sticks coercive diplomacy

Divided we fall
Mike Gravel
Dennis Kucinich
Ron Paul
Ralph Nader
No bribery blackmail extortion


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