Friday, March 07, 2008

Home Style

This is not a joke. On Wednesday, I received an email from a woman at something called "Des Moines Homestyle Magazine." It was sent to me and three of my neighbors and they were requesting half a day for a photographer to come into our condominium units and take pictures for publication. (I think the magazine is a supplement to The Des Moines Sunday Register.)

She put in a caveat immediately though that not every unit will be featured, and so my immediate thought was that mine didn't have a chance in hell of being included. (I use barstools as living room end tables.) But after just two days I'm obsessing. Should I go on a shopping spree? I could spruce up with some flowers and centerpieces, maybe a well-placed pastoral painting for the wall of the dining room, or maybe just an elegant red throwrug for the Cardinals baseball room.

This woman also requested an hour of my time to sit with a feature writer to talk about the building and the neighborhood. At the very least, maybe I could score a well-placed quote or quip for publication. I tell you I've never wanted anything so badly in my life.

Now I have to stop blogging. Martha Stewart is on the Today Show.


At 5:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You got a nice pad. If I were single, it would be wall to wall babes. The old Chicago Playboy building type of thing, with local celebs bantering the body politic. Business dealings behind closed doors where martini's flow freely and clothing comes off naturally .

At 7:10 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

That sounds like Chris' apartment - at least the night I was there!


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