Thursday, August 27, 2015

Revisionist and other such histories

Here's the traditional media for you: The Southern Poverty Law Center, a well-respected civil rights organization and hate-group watchdog founded by attorney Morris Dees and the late Julian Bond, points out this week, inarguably, that Citizen Trump has been promoting "white nationalist positions" on the issues of immigration and birthright citizenship, and USA Today is still trying to decide whether or not he's a "bully."


This writer thinks there have been too many Hurricane Katrina 10th anniversary retrospectives published this summer, but I was kind of thinking that Katrina had become just another example of what Studs Terkel called "our national Alzheimer's."


It's a very palpable feeling: that abortion rights opponents just do not get why you are so indifferent to the illicit videos they are releasing to the public that target Planned Parenthood. This article helped explain the realities to me. If you are a man especially, please read it.

Until now, I have been completely in the dark about characteristics of female-ness such as "period chunks," "fetal seizures," and "clot(s) bigger than your first." Really, the utter audacity of those that would intrude on a decision like terminating a pregnancy... Your body is your fucking body, that I am convinced. 


Was "Cobra Kai" practitioner Johnny Lawrence really the villain in The Karate Kid, or should we consider it instead to be that sadistic punk Daniel LaRusso? A fellow contrarian explains the theory in YouTube form.


If you've visited the St. Louis Cardinals team museum in downtown St. Louis, you surely did not miss seeing, behind glass, the St. Louis Browns uniform worn for an afternoon in August 1951 by Eddie Gaedel. This is his story.


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