Monday, January 13, 2014

The occultist and the president

Manly P. Hall, Ayn Rand, Nancy’s psychic crap, UFOs. Is there any cult the Reagans didn’t join?

Now half of America is caught up in a Cult of Reagan, one that Ronnie established for the United States presidency defined by an ignorant, pandering, and mean-spirited public "optimism." Flattery sells to a population of souls rapidly losing privilege under a dying empire.

Film director Steven Soderbergh unintentionally defined who we are as a people in this age in a “State of Cinema” speech he made last spring: “I don’t care who you’re pitching, I don’t care what you’re pitching… Stop yourself in the middle of a sentence and act like you’re having an epiphany, and say, ‘You know what, at the end of this day, this is a movie about hope.’”


Yeah, Lee Oswald was a lone gunman. That’s why there are more than 1,700 still-classified CIA documents related to Oswald, the Kennedy assassination, and Oswald’s murder.


This is going to be my new thing. I’m going to go on Facebook each day and address each one of those ridiculous comments that reactionary Friends make. This is the pat response I'm going to post: "As with other political conservatism, I'm going to assume that yours is caused by reduced reactivity of the anterior cingulate cortex."


I don’t have any children, but I imagine that if I did, it would be very difficult to teach those children the importance of occasionally sucking it up and doing what it is they don’t want to do. Working against me is the fact that Woody Allen doesn’t show up to receive his Cecil B. DeMille Award at the Golden Globes.


Viewer support of the Olympics in Sochi will be a condoning of the abuses of Vladimir Putin's government. I say this because that’s what Nadya Tolokonnikova and Maria Alyokhina are saying. If these extraordinarily-brave women tell me that that's the way it is, then that's the way it is.

Alyokhina (left) and Tolokonnikova

I’m grateful for the information Edward Snowden gave us regarding NSA data-mining surveillance, but he should have gone through the proper channels in reporting the overreach. By doing so in the commission of a crime, he cheapened his actions. On a related note, Rosa Parks should have given up her seat on the Montgomery city bus and filed a formal complaint with the bus company.


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