Monday, September 03, 2012

Whitewashing and incoherence

Deadspin's Drew Magary, writing for GQ, spent Saturday at State College, Pennsylvania. Here's what he found.


While we're on the topic of shielding criminals, tolerating abuse, and whitewashing over crimes, Barack Obama, the Graham Spanier of the United States government, has granted final immunity to CIA torturers and murderers under George Bush. It's loathsome how the oligarchy covers its crimes, and if, as a voter, you still see a difference between Democrats and Republicans, I give up. You deserve to be lied to.


Clint Eastwood's speech at the Republican National Commercial was fascinating as hell. The man is seemingly so hyper-aware of his iconic status in this country, and so confident in his own opinions about the world, that he actually seemed indifferent to the fact that Mitt Romney's policy positions and public statements are diametrically opposed to what he was promoting.

The wars have escalated (and multiplied) under a Democratic administration and Guantanamo Bay is America's death camp, but Mitt Romney's criticisms of Obama have been that the current president hasn't gone far enough in his actions as commander in chief. I wish we lived in Eastwood's world where there's debate about crimes by the United States government. And it goes further-- Eastwood actually had Republican delegates cheering by calling the Bush/Cheney(/Obama) war in Afghanistan a mistake, linking it quite accurately, as he did, to the Soviet Union's war and occupation of the same country in the 1980s. Good god, their wild applause just how much Republicans truly love Hollywood actors.

Eastwood's incoherence on Thursday night only in respect to sizing up Mitt Romney and the Republicans was wonderful, probably unintentional performance art, and it befit the gathering of boobs he was addressing in which the answers being offered up are so far off the mark that even the questions are wrong. I hope Ron Paul got as big a kick out of the speech as I did.


Are you like me-- did you race to download the song "Crystal Blue Persuasion" by Tommy James and the Shondells after Sunday night's season finale of "Breaking Bad"? That tune has such a sensational, unique sound.


At 11:34 PM, Blogger Aaron Moeller said...

Yes! I did download Crystal Blue Persuasion almost immediately after.


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