Sunday, September 30, 2012

Cheers to 30 years

Thirty years ago tonight, at 9:30pm, 8:30 central, NBC aired the first episode of a TV show called "Cheers." Two hundred and seventy four episodes followed over 11 years, 40 million TV sets were tuned in to the final episode in 1993, and Aaron Moeller talked about his obsession with the show that spring in his "Senior Spotlight" profile in the Bobcat section of the South Benton Star-Press. Her is that piece in its entirely, published for the first time in almost two decades. The author is unknown.

"How's it going Mr. Peterson?" is one of Aaron Moeller's favorite phrases.
Aaron is a die-hard Cheers fan. He's been watching the show for 11 years, since Sept. 30, 1982. Not only has he seen all of the Cheers episodes, but also has over 200 recorded on VHS cassettes.
Aaron commented, "It's a great release from the stress of school. It has a constant theme and isn't too tough to figure out. The best thing about it is the witticism. When I watch the Emmy's, I root for Cheers like a sports team."
Also, Aaron and his family visited the Cheers bar during a summer vacation in Boston, Mass. He also purchased the Cheers board game. "I don't play it that often anymore because it's too easy. I already know all the answers.
"My biggest thrill with the show however, was when I wrote NBC Productions of Los Angeles a letter of praise, telling them which shows and which parts of shows I liked the best. They sent me back a letter of appreciation and an autographed picture of the cast, which I framed immediately." 
Aaron is the son of Tom Moeller of Newhall and the late Joyce Moeller.

Superblogger Ken Levine was a writer and producer on "Cheers." He blogged today about that very first night the show aired.


At 9:55 PM, Blogger Aaron Moeller said...

Jim Schulte was the author of that newspaper profile.

At 7:19 PM, Blogger CM said...

Cool, thanks. You properly read your cue.


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