Monday, January 23, 2012

Big ole' birds

I've looked at this famous image a million times-- I've attempted to draw it on more than one occasion-- but something is factually incorrect about it. Not sure what I'm talking about? Cubs fans, any astounding remarks you want to make first?

Ok, now the reveal: the image is out of proportion with reality, and I have a website called to thank for bringing it to my attention. The birds are entirely too large for the baseball bat they're perched upon. Now graphic artist Craig Robinson has given us a look at what the St. Louis Cardinals' logo would look like if it were proportionately correct.

That's just one of the terrific, sometimes astounding, "infographics" at the Flipflop website. (There are more than 100 different ones.) Stay at home from work tomorrow and equate yourself with some of these brilliant graphs, a hearty mix of vibrant design and sometimes extensive statistical research. My personal favorites are "Either side of the buttons", illustrating how the letters of each team name are divided on the front of Major League Baseball uniforms, the breakdown of the 2010 bobblehead promotional giveaways, the etymological Venn diagram of team names, and the ballpark orientation graph showing which direction the batter faces in each MLB ballpark.

I dig this too. It's under the Miscellany category.

Who says baseball fans have too much time on their hands?


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