Thursday, December 29, 2011

Socialism as the future of America

Eugene Debs, I wish you were alive to see this: the Pew Research Center tells us that socialism is now more popular than capitalism in the United States in the measured age group of citizens under 30 (18-29).

Socialism-- Positive 49%, Negative 43%
Capitalism-- Positive 46%, Negative 47%

These numbers, side-by-side, are quite close, and "18 to 29" was the only surveyed age group in which socialism was more popular, but this is a remarkable achievement when you consider that the corporate news media typically equates socialism with Josef Stalin, and politicians in the United States (other than Bernie Sanders) run away from the "socialist" label faster than they do a televised debate involving a third-party candidate.

What does this poll tell us? It tells me that the crony capitalism and corruption center of the United States can't hold out for much longer when there's a generation of Americans that has only experienced a Wall Street-owned government. Smears that involve labeling someone a "socialist" don't work on young people raised in a world destroyed by capitalism, and that are media-savvy enough to recognize the smear-ers as windy, hateful gasbags.


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