Thursday, April 01, 2010


A website I've never heard of is asking the question: Are Larry David and Jerry Seinfeld the John Lennon and Paul McCartney of the comedy world?

Interesting idea. I'm not sure who those other guys are, but Larry and Jerry are certainly as the article describes them-- "the light and the dark, the yin and the yang," one a "happy, buzzing life-force," the other "squirm(ing) in the shadows."


My 35th birthday arrives tomorrow. It's disheartening to be moving out of that 18-35 age demographic that has made me Madison Avenue's most valued pursuit, but the sadness is slightly offset by the fact that next year I'll be able to add "It Was a Very Good Year" to my karaoke repertoire.


Uniforms from the Chicago Cubs last World Series Championship have recently gone on display.


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