Thursday, December 17, 2009

Clooney slept here

George Clooney's new movie "Up in the Air" was filmed largely in St. Louis. Here's a Post-Dispatch story about city locations used in the film. Many of you will recognize them if you're a regular like I am at Cardinals games. There's the GenAmerica Building at 700 Market Street downtown (located between my favorite ballgame parking area and the old Bowling Hall of Fame), the Mansion House on 4th about midway between the stadium and the dome, and the Ballpark Hilton on South Broadway (formerly the Marriott), where all the visiting National League clubs and a smattering of Moellers used to bunk down back in the day.

The locations are St. Louis without looking like St. Louis. No Gateway Arch. No Whitey Herzog. If you've seen the flick already, you probably couldn't even tell. She's a hell of an actor.


Upon the series' 20th anniversary, an expert on "The Simpsons" explains why it's among the most influential of all time, even though he "(doesn't) think it's funny anymore" and believes it dropped precipitously in quality a decade ago.


Quote of the day: Hugo Chavez, Venezuelan president, in Copenhagen, "If the climate was a bank, (the west) would have already saved it."

Ohhh. Snap! Doctors, report to the 'burn' unit. We've got a group of imperial capitalists checking in.


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