Friday, December 04, 2009

The year of driving slowly

I completed my two-night and 8-hour Continuing Ed class at 10 o'clock last night as ordered by the state of Iowa's Department of Transportation, and thus begins my one full year on driving probation for my regrettable speeding offenses.

The class facilitator at Des Moines Area Community College, Ken Owens, was marvelously friendly and informative. (Turns out that he and I are both "blues" in the Real Colors personality test.) I met a lot of terrific people Wednesday and Thursday night in Ankeny. There was the charming mother of two (who was likewise a "blue"), another woman who worked for a local medical examiner, an independently-wealthy gentleman who used to work with my boss (we won't be sharing any of this with him, however), and a local Christian minister-- a younger guy who last night, upon being questioned about the contradiction between being a man of God and having broken a few of man's laws, uttered the epic line, "Sometimes, to do the Lord's work, you've gotta drive like the devil!"

The next year will not be a fun one for me. You'll see me outside my car as often as possible, and when I'm inside of it-- in the driver's seat-- I'll be observing the posted speed limits, minus five. I've learned a lot this week about our state's various moving violations, the differences between values, attitudes, and behaviors, the relationship between temperment and driving, and most importantly, that society at large can be the victim even when nobody else is.

Make way for me out there in the slow lane.


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