Monday, November 09, 2009

The Kucinich barometer

If you're a progressive not sure of what to make of the 1,900 page health care bill passed by Congress on Saturday, then you probably first do what I do-- see if Dennis Kucinich voted for it.

Well, he didn't. Dennis Kucinich, the Ohio Democrat, says the legislation "locks us into a for-profit system that the government subsidizes."

"It's not going to save money in the long run," he said, "It's not going to provide the broad healthcare services the American people need. It's going to limit choices people have over a longer period of time, and people will have to buy private insurance. This bill doesn't effectively moderate what [insurance companies] can charge for premiums, or co-pays, or deductibles; it just says people will have to have insurance. Well, insurance doesn't necessarilly equate to care, and care comes at a cost."


If you're not going to be at the Moeller TV Festival on Saturday, that's likely because you're planning to attend the Eero Saarinen exhibit at the Museum of the City of New York. Saarinen is the architect of the Gateway Arch in St. Louis, my favorite example of "art for art's sake" in the heart of an urban metropolis, but also of such buildings as John Deere World Headquarters in the Quad Cities.


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