Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Savage Mules

Dennis Perrin, a former writer for "Real Time with Bill Maher" on HBO, has a new book in publication in which he argues the case that the Democratic Party began as a war party hasn't changed its stripes since, despite its modern-day reputation as an anti-war party. The reality of the modern Democrats supported the "surge" in Iraq, gave Bush more money than he requested for his war, and voted through a defense budget of over $459 billion. This link provides a Q-and-A with Perrin and Huffington Post's Christian Avard.

Says Perrin, "Voting for better Democrats just gets us more Democrats. All it does is keep the system in place. What should we replace it with? I don't know, but to know what that will look like [ahead of time] is insane. The whole process of social change is that you don't know how it's going to end. All you know is what your hopes and desires are in the present, and you build towards something."


Thanks to one of our out-of-state readers for forwarding this piece of overlooked Iowa news. Is stripping an art? I think the answer to that question has to be-- it depends on who's doing the stripping.


This blog posting was also emailed to me. (I get the message--my topics have been a little boring lately.) It might be the best thing ever written about a guest harmonica player on "Hee Haw."


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