Friday, July 11, 2008

Talking down

It's the Obama folks that are stoking this Jesse Jackson rhubarb. Distancing themselves from the liberal reverend and identity politics was a goal of theirs from the beginning, and Jesse has handed the campaign another Sister Souljah moment. The dust-up has also helped to distract from Obama's recent FISA vote.

Jackson's rhetoric notwithstanding (I wouldn't want my nuts cut off), Jackson is correct that Obama has to begin speaking to more than just personal responsibility when addressing issues of the African-American community and the underclass. Black America might benefit from a little "tough talk," but where's the "tough talk" for corporate executives, war profiteers, justice officials, lenders, and the rest of white America? A consultant-driven push to the right by Obama was to be expected, but it's disheartening to witness nonetheless.


There's little doubt that The Nation magazine will endorse Barack Obama for president, but yesterday they effectively filed a lawsuit against him.


What's the greener move-- buying a new hybrid car or buying a used car with decent gas mileage?


HBO has ordered three new pilots, and they all sound like winners to me-- fresh ideas offered up by talented people. We're very fortunate to live in the golden age of HBO--and Netflix, as the case may be.


The same day I picked out my condominium unit last summer, I paid my first visit to the new grocery store in the neighborhood, Gateway Market. I decided that I could afford to purchase my first home provided that I never shopped at the Gateway Market. Yep, it's pricey. But its cafe has just been named one of the 10 best sandwich shops in America.


At 5:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the Michelle Obama "Whitehouse" will look like the extras lunchroom from "Beautyshop"
Yo yo in da house!

At 5:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

State29 shut down, so I will be here indefinately. Thank you


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