Wednesday, May 07, 2008

The buy-out

Pundit Lawrence O'Donnell says he has it on authority that Hillary will drop out of the presidential race before June 15th; and it's evidently bribery that's going to do the trick. Sources say the Obama campaign would agree to pony up more than $20 million to settle the New York Senator's monumental campaign debt.

This is where we'll find out what sort of stomach Hillary Clinton has for the fight. Democratic consultants want her to leave the stage gracefully "as Gore did in 2000," but my recollection is that it was Al Gore who rather piteously stopped the vote counting in Florida that year despite loud and persistent accusations of widespread voter fraud disenfranchising tens of thousands voters, mostly minority and underprivileged. Only the Ralph Nader presidential campaign ever filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission over allegations of voting irregularities in the Sunshine State.

As a central activist contends in the political documentary "An Unreasonable Man," Democrats also offered bribes of extravagant sums to Nader and to his public advocacy organizations in 2000 in return for the candidate agreeing to bow out of the race, and party reps issued simultaneous blackmail threats to choke off funding for the groups if he refused.

Either you can be bought. Or you can't.


With the completion of tonight's Cardinals/Rockies game at beautiful Taxpayer Stadium in downtown Denver, the Cardinals are now 22-13, 2 1/2 games in front of the 2nd place Cubs. I reference you back to this CM Blog prediction from Opening Day:

If the team (the Cardinals) takes off at the start and wins 8 to 10 games more than it loses before Memorial Day, they won't look back.


Did you hear that recently-retired baseball player Julio Franco had sex with a plastic doll? Oh, never mind.


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