Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Chris Moeller: He's Been Around

Des Moines Homestyle magazine is out! Des Moines Homestyle magazine is out!

The May issue of this previously-unknown and -unimportant publication has gone to press, and my condo unit is featured in not one, but three photos, and there's an eight paragraph piece of the phone interview I did with the writer. The photos look great, capturing the lack of pretentiousness in my home decor. Unfortunately, my Dad's tile job wasn't profiled (and my neighbor's was, alas), but the old man can't be too upset. Framed photos of him appear twice in a picture of my dining room bookcase.

Sadly, the editor of the piece saw fit to label my section "Chris Moeller: He's Been Around" because I told the guy I'd already lived in the neighborhood for a few years before I moved in. It's true that I've been around the proverbial block a few times, but that doesn't define who I am.

I wish I could tell you where you could see this exquisite issue, but the magazine's not online and it's not available on newsstands. If you live in the metro area, you could stop by the third (or fourth?) floor of the Des Moines Register building downtown for a copy, but even that's not a guarantee for success as I took 7 of the 10 copies on the rack there just for myself on Friday.

Next year, the cover!


Actress Carrie Fisher hinted on a London television show last week that she and Harrison Ford fooled around on the set of "Star Wars." Interest in this story leads me back to my theory that any film producer casting for a set of parents or even grandparents in a lighthearted comedy feature should open the door of the vault as far as it will go to get these two opposite one another again on-screen. They each have such a dry, endearing sense of humor and audiences already love them forever. Fisher and Ford would have been great in the Barbra Streisand and Dustin Hoffman roles in "Meet the Fockers." Something along that line.


Bruce Springsteen inducted fellow Jersey-ite Frank Sinatra into the state's Hall of Fame this weekend.


Baseball's Julio Franco finally announced his retirement from the game last week at the age of 49. He debuted in 1982 with the Phillies. The end was marked by scandal. He was having an improper relationship with a 30-year-old country singer.


Does that last joke make any sense to you? Please respond.


At 8:25 AM, Blogger Dave Levenhagen said...

No. I didn't even know there was a joke. I assume the joke is supposed to be a reference to Clemens relationship with the 15-year old country singer. But I don't get the age adjustment between 15 and 30, since Franco is only 4 years older than Clemens.

Am I on the right path?

At 12:55 PM, Blogger CM said...

Yes. Well done, Dave.

It was an attempted allusion to the Clemens/Mindy McCready relationship. I tried to adapt that reference to Franco's old age, but couldn't quite make it all fit.

Franco and Clemens may be only 4 years apart, but Clemens' unspecified "mistakes" with McCready may have taken place more than 15 years ago when the pitcher was just in his early 30s. That's how I arrived at the age difference in the joke. I thought I could make it work. I was wrong.

At 3:02 PM, Blogger Dave Levenhagen said...

Why don't you find an IT guy at the student loan center to scan the article and images and put them on a webpage? Then you can provide the link to your blog readers.

At 8:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is the address to the online version. They cut Chris completely out www.desmoinesregister.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080503/LIFE03/805030303/1043/LIFE03

At 8:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well,that was too long and was cut off. Here is how to get there: Go to the desmoinesregister.com then click on "juice" then "Homes" the on the left click on"Home/Garden" the article is a few down on the list.


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