Monday, December 03, 2007

Ms. Couric, we're ready for our closeup...

First, Judith Miller was hoodwinked by the Bush administration on Iraq's alleged Weapons of Mass Destruction; and now, New York Times reporter Adam Nagourney has succombed to the bright lights of Des Moines, Iowa.

Nagourney, the Times' chief political correspondent, wrote a feature for the paper's Sunday travel section yesterday declaring to the world that Iowa's capitol city "has most certainly become cool."

Nagourney has already reserved his dinner reservation for New Year's Eve, just three nights before the Iowa Caucuses. Have you?


...And if that's not enough!-- Des Moines may have also just found itself located die-rectly on the real-life "Highway to Heaven." A report on Pat Robertson's "700 Club" (sound warning) last week revealed that a large number of evangelical groups now believe that Interstate 35, which runs north and south through Des Moines on its way between Duluth, Minnesota and Laredo, Texas, is "the way of holiness" prophecied in the Bible at Isaiah 35:8. Des Moines gay clubs and porn shops will surely be among the locations targeted for "purity sieges." Isaiah writes, "No lion shall be there, Nor shall any ravenous beast go up on it. Except for the occasional white-tail deer." This is the Word of the Lord.


I ran across this item also last week. A civil engineer and author writing for the Ladies Home Journal offered his predictions for the 20th century in the pages of the magazine in December of 1900. Some of his prognostications are preposterously off the mark, but more than a few were downright visionary. The writer didn't see much of the century himself, however, according to research harnessed from He dropped dead in '03.

Ladies Home Journal, quite coincidentally, has been published by the Des Moines-based Meredith Corporation since 1986, thus successfully completing today's entirely-Des Moines-themed blog entry.


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