Tuesday, November 13, 2007

What I've been reading...

- This morning's New York Times column by Bob Herbert cementing President Reagan's complicity in furthering the GOP's shameful race-baiting Southern strategy.

- This on-target assessment of the Franklin Roosevelt presidency, and its legacy for today's America.

- This censure motion by California progressives toward turncoat Senator Dianne Feinstein, who has done more than her share to help make torture and warrantless wire-tapping the issues of such bipartisan agreement that they are today.

- This Roger Ebert review of a poorly-distributed film by John Turturro called "Romance and Cigarettes," starring a lot of talented people. It may be the most enthusiastic endorsement of a film that Ebert's ever written.

- This winning judgment in favor of Jim Edmonds' new upscale eatery in downtown St. Louis. No surprises here. The Card centerfielder has always projected that airy sense that there's more to his game than just his game.

- And these damnable lies by an entity that calls itself "The New York Television Festival." The industry's first independent television festival? Founded in 2005? We know better.


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