Wednesday, November 28, 2007

More Moeller musings

Does Christmas season really have to begin immediately following Thanksgiving? It wasn't always this way. On "Happy Days," the Cunninghams didn't even bring the tree home until Christmas Eve.


How much can we really expect from Chevy Chase's second tour of duty on "Saturday Night Live" when he doesn't have Ford to kick around anymore?


If you're trying to understand the biggest differences between the inner-workings of the Republican and Democratic parties, look no further than the respective treatments of presidential candidates Mike Huckabee and Dennis Kucinich. Neither of these men have physical traits that project anything remotely "presidential" and neither are political insiders by any stretch of the imagination. But Huckabee has been treated by his party's establishment (and then, by extension, the mainstream media) as a legitimate contender, and has subsequently made himself one; while Kucinich, though equally in tune with his party's base voters and carrying a much more impressive career resume, gets treated like Ron Paul. He's always banished to the far end of the platform at the debates. Kucinich opposed the war on the Iraqi people from the very beginning. He doesn't have to lie about it. But the Democratic party and its self-loathing constituents don't take Kucinich seriously. I'm not sure why he insists on taking them seriously.


Where would American music be today if not for the bright light of Miss Alicia Keys? Gregory Stephen Tate at The Village Voice testifies.


The Clinton campaign conducted a poll among Democratic primary voters before announcing their Barbra Streisand endorsement.

It's starting to border on self-parody.


I don't know if there really is a secret plan in place to install Kerry Wood as the Cubs' closer next season, but it will be a lot of fun for everyone if it happens.


This sport is a train wreck.


At 12:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The sun-times guy is way too hard on Wood. I for one admire his dedication and loyalty, qualities which should be rewarded--but not with the closer spot. He hasn't totally proven his durability physically yet. But, mentally, I take Wood over Dempster: the guy, while usually coming through in the end, often managed last season to give up runs in the ninth until the lead was reduced to one, and then luckily escape.

At 9:32 AM, Blogger CM said...

I agree with you. I always thought his make-up was suited to the role actually. But I enjoy these negative articles.


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