Monday, February 12, 2007

The party platforms

A quarter-page advertisement for the Iowa Republican Party appeared in today's Des Moines Register listing seven of the guiding principles of the state party beneath pictures of Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan. There are 591,000 registered Republicans in Iowa, and possibly as many GOP presidential contenders in 2008. What exactly does the party stand for? Its platform has the answers.

These are a few of the planks that caught my eye (with typos corrected):

1.6 We support agriculture and value added agriculture products in Iowa; therefore, we support the livestock industry in this state and support those who engage in it while recognizing the need to protect the environment, but not at the expense of a vibrant livestock industry.

2.2 We believe the market place, not the government, should set the minimum wage.

3.3 We support voluntary or student led prayer in government schools. The use of the Bible as a textbook should be allowed as a local option.

3.4 We support the teaching of alternative theories on the origins of life including Darwinian Evolution, Creation Science or Intelligent Design, and that each should be given equal weight in presentation.

3.8 We oppose the teaching of homosexual behavior as a normal, acceptable or alternative lifestyle, and believe that sex education must emphasize traditional heterosexual lifestyles.

3.10 We support the abolition of the Federal Department of Education, and the removal of this position from the Cabinet. In addition, we call for the downsizing of the Iowa Department of Education. We believe that the control of education should be left to the parents, teachers, and local school boards.

3.16 We appreciate the contribution all ethnic groups have made to our American culture. However, we do not support "ethnic history" months observed in many Iowa school districts.

4.1 We support exploration and drilling for oil and natural gas in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and the outer continental shelf. (Editor's note: Is the recognition of an outer continental shelf an endorsement of Darwinian Evolution?)

5.1 We support an amendment to both the state and federal Constitutions defining marriage as the exclusive union between a man and a woman.

5.2 We support the elimination of no-fault divorce.

6.13 We assert that the phrase "separation of church and state" as is commonly used, contradicts the original intent and practice of the Framers of the Constitution.

6.18 We believe we need to restructure our policies with the Native American Nations, including removing their sovereignty as Nations and making them ordinary American citizens.

6.20 We call for an end to all Affirmative Action programs.

7.4 We believe the vaccination of children, and medical decisions are best left to the parents without government coercion.

8.6 We support a physical barrier along the entire Mexican/American border.

8.10 We oppose any immigration reform that includes a "path to citizenship" for illegal aliens.

9.5 We believe that pornography is not included under the protection of the First Amendment. We strongly support the enforcement of existing Federal obscenity and pornography laws, including requiring libraries to place internet filters on computers that are accessible to the public.

12.8 We support the full dignity of a burial for all aborted fetuses in their entirety.

12.9 We support the reversal of Roe vs. Wade and return of decision-making on abortion to the states.

13.3 We oppose any tax increase on alcohol and cigarettes.

13.6 We support the repeal of the 16th Amendment, the elimination of the IRS and replacing all federal income taxes with a national consumption tax.

14.1 We commend President Bush for his outstanding leadership in the war on terrorism, for his efforts to strengthen national defense and homeland security, and for his part in renewing a spirit of unity and love for our country.

I know what you're thinking. How could this bunch have fallen out of power? Also, you're thinking-- how in the world does Giuliani think he can pull it off? For the record, here is the Iowa Democratic Party platform adopted last summer. It's got some real teeth to it. And here's hope that our visiting caucus contenders take heed.


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