Sunday, April 30, 2006

Hillary Meter

There seems to be an inverse relationship between the amount of wisdom a Democratic donor possesses and the amount of money they have just burning a hole in their pocketbook. Even as she continues to lap the party field in fundraising, the latest poll shows Hillary Clinton is as unelectable with the general population as she's ever been. Only 26 percent of Americans say they would definitely vote for Senator Clinton if she runs for President in 2008, matching her lowest recorded tally by independent pollster Rasmussen Reports, and marking the sixth consecutive poll by that company (dating back three months) that shows solid support for the former First Lady under 30 percent. The number who say they would definitely vote against her (41 percent) also matches a high over the past year.

And who can blame the average voter. The party's long-neglected base sees in Clinton a candidate who backed the Iraq War, holds no public regret over it, and now opposes our military withdrawal, supported the Patriot Act, stooped to sponsoring an anti-flag burning bill, stood with Senator Rick Santorum on a measure to censor the internet, and on the whole, legitimized the Republican Senate agenda by racing into photo ops with Trent Lott, Bill Frist, Newt Gingrich, and Tom Delay. Activists feel betrayed, while conservatives aren't intrigued for even a second.

At this point, it's inconceivable that Hillary Clinton could convince me to vote for her in either the Iowa caucus or, God forbid, the general election. I'm left with too much doubt over what it is she truly believes in, and the closer we get to the election, the more her naked opportunism and pandering will ring false.


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