Thursday, April 20, 2006

Hu invited him

Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi has been one of the few Representatives and one of the fewer elected Democrats that has been willing to call Presidents Clinton and Bush to the mat on their coddling of the Chinese government. This link is to an op-ed piece Pelosi wrote for today's Los Angeles Times. The piece was published three days after surgeons in Britain accused China of selling human organs harvested from executed prisoners.


And some positive press for Bill Maher.


4/22/06 update: Chinese "democracy" is beginning to take root in America. A CNN reporter was thrown out of Hu Jintao's welcoming ceremony Friday after asking the Chinese president whether he had seen student protestors gathered on the campus green of Yale University. A school spokersperson said the reporter was "invited to cover an event, not hold a press conference." A protestor at the White House who shouted phrases like "Stop oppressing the Falun Gong (a Buddhist-based spiritual sect banned in China,)" and "President Bush, stop him from killing!" was arrested and prosecutors are seeking charges that include willfully intimidating, coercing, threatening and harassing a foreign official.


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