Monday, November 07, 2005

Today's random thoughts

--- Americans should be paying close attention to the unrest in France. The violence and widespread material destruction was born of the neglect of the immigrant communities and the lack of hope therein.

--- My long-awaited hope for a Warren Beatty political career appears to be becoming a reality.

--- The first wrecking ball hit Busch Stadium this afternoon at 3:08 cst.

-- What was it the NFL said a couple years ago about the accuracy of the ESPN TV series, "Playmakers?" I can't speak directly to the show's depictions of brawling, greed, sex, and general debauchery, but based on the stories we've read about the league the last couple of weeks, I find it difficult to believe basic cable could have done justice to the reality.

--- Enough about Terrell Owens. The guy hasn't finished in the top 10 in receiving yards in at least three years, and his team marched through the playoffs last year without him. Shed no tears for the Philadelphia Eagles, either. They knew what they were getting into when they signed him, and they play in front of sports' most vulgar and despicable fans. This was the extraction of a tumor from the anus of the National Football League.

--- Thanks to all who ventured out this weekend for the Moeller Television Festival. A good time was had by some, and reports of an E. Coli outbreak have yet to surface.


Hijacked joke of the day: What's the difference between a drunk and an alcoholic? A drunk doesn't have to go to all those damn meetings.


At 12:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

All that rioting in France is alarming-- over 3,000 cars and dozens of buildings have been destroyed. Police officers are dead.

I just found out about all this today. I don't have time to watch TV and have been more or less completely cut off from the outside world.

I have less than one week left before finals week. Then I can return to 24/7 digital cable for 10 days straight

At 6:41 PM, Blogger CM said...

I think the media is surprised that it has persisted, even mushroomed, the way it has.

In two weeks though, they'll have moved on to something else.

Study hard.


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