Thursday, October 27, 2005

And lesbians, to boot

60 Minutes was in the Howard Stern studio this morning, taping an upcoming segment about the King of All Media.

As an addendum, here are some on-line comments from media critic Jeff Jarvis:

I hope they don't miss the true significance of Stern in American media. It's not that he farted. It's not that he was attacked by the so-called Parents Television Council, which hounded him off our airwaves with the aid of our own damned FCC (though that, too, is a story.) It's not even that he single-handedly blew up the radio industry: His departure didn't just cause them to find replacements but to blow up the formats of every one of his stations (though that is a story.) And it's not that he could well turn satellite into an industry (which will be a story.)

No, it's that he was honest in a media world that has become packaged and sanitized for our protection: bloodless, soulless, faked to look real. And they couldn't take it.

I'm bailin' on Friday.


Congratulations to the Chicago White Sox. It's the culmination of a remarkable 88 year story. America's ambivalence would completely confound me, if I didn't share in it partly myself. I'm still trying to sort out my thoughts. And my feelings, which aren't necessarily the same thing. I am pissed on the team's behalf, though, about one element of the media coverage. They are not the South Side White Sox. They are the Chicago White Sox. Get it right, faceless, soulless media!


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