Saturday, October 22, 2005

The TV Festival Screening Schedule

The 4th Annual Moeller TV Festival is nearly upon us. We'll commence the two day event early in the afternoon two weeks from today, Saturday, November 5th, at the home of Aaron's landlord in Cedar Rapids, IA. Sandwiches and drinks will be provided. If you're interested in attending, e-mail me at

Now here's the screening schedule. The "Open Remote" segment allows you to submit your favorite shows for viewing. If you have a way of providing the show on DVD or video, e-mail your pick to the above address or

The schedule is subject to small variances.

Saturday afternoon, Nov. 5th

"The Cane" #16, Newsradio, 12/12/95, NBC

"The Puerto Ricans are Coming" #22, Sanford and Son, 11/10/72, NBC

"Episode #23" Chappelle's Show, 1/23/02, Comedy Central

Amy Sedaris Tribute:
"Let Freedom Ring" #7, Strangers with Candy, 6/21/99, Comedy Central
Clip from "Show #2170" The Late Show with David Letterman, 5/14/04, CBS

Open Remote

HBO Tribute:
"The New Writer" #70, The Larry Sanders Show, 12/18/96
"Here Was a Man" #4, Deadwood, 4/11/04
"Hot Child in the City" #45, Sex and the City, 9/24/00
"In Camelot" #59, The Sopranos, 4/18/04
"Larry David" 60 Minutes, profile with Bob Simon, Winter 2004, CBS
"Trick or Treat" #13, Curb Your Enthusiasm, 10/7/01

Sunday afternoon, Nov. 6th

"What to Think" #2, Mr. Show with Bob and David, 11/10/95, HBO

"Clean Up Radio Everywhere" #68, WKRP in Cincinnati, 4/12/81, CBS

"Louie's Mother" #60, Taxi, 3/26/81, ABC

"My Name is Asher Kingsley" #67, The Larry Sanders Show, 11/20/96, HBO

"Like Father, Like Son" #12, The Jeffersons, 4/5/75, CBS

"Season 2, Episode 4" #10, The Office, 10/21/02, BBC

"Righteous Brothers" #40, Arrested Development, 4/16/05, FOX

Let us know if you plan to attend. Hope to see you there!


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