Monday, March 12, 2012

The Nixon letters

On the 100th anniversary of the birth of Pat Nixon, the Richard M. Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California is putting on public display love letters written by Former President Nixon to the woman he called his "Irish Gypsy." Here's a sampling of one of his sonnets, from an undated letter penned sometime during their two-year courtship in 1938 and 1939:

"Every day and every night I want to see you and be with you. Yet I have no feeling of selfish ownership or jealousy. Let's go for a long ride Sunday; let's go to the mountains weekends; let's read books in front of fires; most of all, let's really grow together and find the happiness we know is ours."

In a worldwide exclusive, the CM Blog has also uncovered one of the love letters written by Nixon to his wife during the White House years. The text follows. The year is likely 1972...

My Dearest Pat,

My love for you knows no bounds. Those poor dumb bastards that think they've got a love like ours misread the depth of what we have. They've got media clout, that's for sure, but it's sour grapes, I tell you. They're radicals. I'll be damned if I'll let them get between us. They're finished. We can't prosecute each one of them, but my view is we can prosecute the goddamned asshole that gave this idea to them. We have to destroy his public image and credibility.

Ours is a love that was meant to be. It fits the way a love is supposed to fit. I don't love you with the purpose of making a political statement, like when you have a white and a black. Maybe that day will come for them eventually. The blacks are coming along. They're physically strong and some of them are smart, but there's a naivety there with some Americans as far as mixing goes. Only inbreeding, with time, will free the blacks. We're already there. My loyalty to you is unmatched. Jews are incapable of a loyalty like this. I'm not being anti-Semitic, you understand. If any President ever had a reason to be anti-Semitic, it would be me. And I'm not.

It's important that we commit ourselves again to each other even as our enemies try to destroy us. We couldn't get some of these people on board with us even if we tried. We just can't gamble on that. It would paralyze us. We can't go on saying, well, we're doing this and that. We've got to fight it just like hell.

It's my goal during this very brief time in the White House to do something good every day, and that includes demonstrating my love for you. We've had tough times before and this is perhaps what we were made for-- to carry the greatest personal burdens. Dearest Pat, the love of my life, you deserve it all. If I could, I would pull the moon down from the heavens and give it to you as a gift. And this would not be illegal. When the president does it, that means that it is not illegal.



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