Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Barr 2012

Sound the bell: Roseanne Barr is officially a Green Party candidate for president! This is not a joke. Our war criminal president, his loopy Republican challengers, and the entire patriarchy should be running for cover. There is no national debate when Democrats and Republicans agree on the topic-- and Democrats and Republicans agree on Iraq, Afghanistan, Israel, Libya, Iran, Pakistan, Yemen, Guantanamo, drones, eavesdropping, detention, whistle-blowers as terrorists, due process-free executive assassination orders, the killing of Muslim children, target bombing of rescuers and funeral mourners, the bailouts of casino banks, corporate taxation, the transfer of American jobs to slave economies, dirty energy, drug laws, health care for profit, schools for profit, prisons for profit, poverty as a crime, gays as sub-straights, the war on labor, the war on science, ballot restrictions, and the auction of elections. Maybe now we'll hear some debate!


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