Monday, December 19, 2011

The great debates

Where do you stand on the important issues of the day? Take blogger Ken Levine's "Pepsi Challenge". I did. (And try not to be swayed by my answers, which appear after each question.)

Pepsi or Coke? Coke

Diane Chambers or Rebecca Howe? Diane Chambers

Tom Brady or Aaron Rodgers? Aaron Rodgers

Advil or Aleve? Advil

Magic or Bird? Bird's game was more fun to watch.

Batman or Superman? Definitely Superman, not as brooding

The View or The Talk? The Talk, no Barbara Walters

Eva Longoria or Evan Longoria? Eva is prettier.

Kimmel or Ferguson? Kimmel, but only by a hair

Adele or Barbra? Who's Barbra?

James Dean or Heath Ledger? Ledger, Dean's style doesn't age well.

Reese Witherspoon or Reese’s Pieces? Witherspoon is tastier.

The old HAWAII FIVE-0 or the new HAWAII FIVE-0? The old, of course

Facebook or Twitter? I don't understand this question.

Ben Affleck or Aflac Insurance? Affleck's alright.

Bill Maher or Keith Olbermann? Maher, but both are cool.

Suri Cruise or Siri iPhone? Leave the little girl alone.

Angelina or Brad? Angelina, but Brad is prettier.

George Clooney or Rosemary Clooney? George, but it's only generational.

Mitch or Cam? Cam

Claire or Gloria? Gloria, but this is a tough one.

Texts or IM’s? Texts

Iron Man or Iron Chef? I'll catch up on both of these when they're on DVD.

Charlie Sheen or Ashton Kutcher? Sheen misbehaves more interestingly.

Sirius/XM or Pandora? Sirius has Howard 101

Flintstones or Jetsons? Flintstones is more Honeymooners-like.

Betty or Wilma? Betty. No, Wilma.


George Reeves or Christopher Reeve? Christopher Reeve

Egg McMuffin or Breakfast Jack? Iowa doesn't have Jack in the Box

Kate Olsen or Ashley Olsen? This question offends me as a twin.

Jake Gyllenhaal or Maggie Gyllenhaal? Maggie.

Great taste or less filling? Here Comes the King

Cher or Tallulah Morehead? Cher

Kindle or Nook? I'll tell you in five years.

Rocky or Bullwinkle? What is one without the other?

AMERICAN IDOL or THE X-FACTOR? This question is a thinly-veiled survey on the appeal of Randy Jackson.

Disneyland or Disneyworld? Disneyland

Elvis Costello or Lou Costello? I've seen the Lou Costello statue in Hoboken, NJ, so gotta go with Lou.

Elvis Costello or Elvis Andrus? Costello

Buzz or Woody? Never saw those.

Woody or Mel? Too tough

James T. Kirk or Jean-Luc Picard? Picard will unfairly get the bald vote so I'm giving my "hair" vote to Kirk.

The AMA Awards or the ACM Awards? The American Medical Association has an awards show?

Joe Buck (Fox) or Joe Buck (MIDNIGHT COWBOY)? St. Louisan Joe Buck (Fox)

Laverne or Shirley? These were our dogs names when I was a child. Only Shirley lived long enough for me to remember her. Laverne was a rumor.

Bert or Ernie? Ernie, though I'm kind of a Bert.

Paul Rudd or Paul Rudnick? Is there a Ruddnick?

Macy’s Day Parade or Rose Parade? Let's see what do I hate worse-- consumerism or stodgy old college football traditions?

Baltimore Colts or Baltimore Ravens? Colts, because of Art Donovan's many appearances on Carson and Letterman.

Herman Cain or Justice Clarence Thomas? Cain, I guess, but just because he's done less damage overall.

Pubic hair on Coke can or Pepsi can? Pepsi can? That doesn't even make sense.


Kim Kardashian or Jenna Jamison? Jamison, more honest.

Subways or busses? Subways, they're greener.

The Subway or Quizno’s? Quizno's, but oh so expensive.

Albert Pujols or Willie Mays? They will have both stayed around too long.

Viagra or Cialis? Let's try both. Can you do that?

Zombies or Vampires? Vampires-- much more interesting.

Zombies or Gerry & the Pacemakers? I can't determine a difference.

Adam Sandler or a crutch? I don't get this, but I'm not big on Sandler.

Christmas or New Year’s? Merry Christmas


Hillary Clinton's impassioned defense of human rights and the rights of women in Egypt was so powerful I almost forgot that the State Department has worked covertly to prop up this military throughout the uprising of the "Arab Spring."


This Ron Paul video from the 2008 campaign is pretty inspiring. It presents Paul at his best, speaking unpopular truths and holding to them despite vehement opposition from pandering blowhards (like Rudy Giuliani). Paul is leading in polls in Iowa, but you would never know it to watch the network pundits. He can never be treated as a "legitimate" candidate because of his frequent and scathing critiques of American foreign policy.

As far as I'm concerned, the three best options for Iowans on caucus night January 3rd would be as follows-- 3) going to the GOP caucus and supporting Paul, 2) going to the Democratic caucus and supporting a slate of "uncommitted," or 1, and best of all) joining Occupy Iowa in physical and very public protest.


Do you think Bruce Springsteen is pissed that Manfred Mann recorded the song he penned, "Blinded by the Light," and changed the lyric "wrapped up like a deuce" to "wrapped up like a douche"? This has long been considered one of the extraordinary examples of "lyricitism" in rock-n-roll history, but I fully contend that it is not the error of the listener in hearing the word "douche". I heard the song again tonight in the car-- and he doesn't say "deuce." He clearly says "douche." Every time.


At 8:15 AM, Blogger Dave said...

Isn't the lyric "REVVED up like a Deuce"? With duece being a reference to a deuce coup automobile and revved meaning revved - not sure how an automobile would be wrapped.

Also, on Quizno's - if you sign up for their email list you get coupons once a week (usually either $1 off a reg/lg sub or buy a reg/lg sub and get free drink and chips/cookie). I use my coupon almost every week. Love me some Quizno's.

At 5:47 PM, Blogger CM said...

Yes, exactly! Wikipedia says Springsteen's "cut loose like a deuce" was changed to "revved up like a deuce" by Mann, but then people also commonly mistake the "revved" for "wrapped." Does this guy have a speech impediment or something?

Thanks for the budget tip. I have an email address. Maybe I'll do that. If I save enough, maybe sometimes I can add soup.


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