Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The News of the World

Rick Santorum is finally breaking his silence on the Google-bombing of his surname years ago by author, sex columnist, and gay-rights activist Dan Savage. He's doing so now to try to raise some much-needed presidential campaign cash.

From the campaign letter linked above:

"I took the high road for nearly a decade by not dignifying these mindless attacks, then even defending his 1st Amendment right to spew this filth. And to this day, liberals like Rachel Maddow serve as Savage's lackeys on national television, pushing his smut.

Yes, he may have the right to belittle and degrade us, but that doesn't mean we have to sit by and not fight back. That is why I need your support today, and your contribution of $25, $50, $100 or $250 to my campaign will help us do just that!"

I love this story. If you're late to it, Savage targeted the then-U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania in 2003 for his anti-gay hate speech in office. The wildly-successful "Google-bombing" involved attaching the word "santorum" to this definition: "san-TOR-um (n)-- 1. The frothy mix of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex."

Eight years after the fact, Savage's is still the #1 weblink according to that dominant search engine on a check for the word "santorum." It comes in ahead of even the politician's Wikipedia page and his campaign website. I urge you to click on it today, and help to keep it on top.

Savage said, upon Santorum's announcement for the U.S. Presidency several months ago (and isn't that an amazing concept in and of itself), that he won't relent in his publicity campaign against capital-S-Santorum until the former senator makes a $5 million personal donation to the gay-marriage advocacy group Freedom to Marry. He says that if it were up to Santorum and his supporters, Savage and his husband would have never been able to adopt their son. So consider that when you read Santorum's fundraising claims that Savage started this feud.


It was a damaging distraction from the important "Hackgate" story, but I have to admit that that's a pretty wild video of Rupert Murdoch's granddaughter jumping up to protect him from a shaving cream pie during his "Junior Soprano" court performance Tuesday... What was that?..That's his wife?!... No, that can't be right... But he's so old... No, I'm not writing that. I'm pretty sure that's wrong.


On the lighter side, Robert Baer, the CIA agent that George Clooney portrayed in the movie "Syriana," is predicting that Israel and Benjamin Netanyahu will attempt to bomb Iran by September, before the U.N. vote on Palestinian statehood.


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