Sunday, June 12, 2011

Monday Night Videos

When the decade of the 1980s began, I was in preschool. By the time it ended, I had already become the man I am today. What I experienced in-between was the golden age of music videos.

Here are six of these classic short films, each smothered in creamy '80s deliciousness:

1) Huey Lewis and his band mates engage in PG hijinks at the beach and on the boardwalk.

2) Madonna succeeds in typecasting Danny Aiello as gruff but lovable Italian-American patriarch.

3) Paul Simon trades in Artie for one of the stars of "Community". Hint: It's not Ken Jeong.

4) Greatest Duran Duran song? "Hungry Like the Wolf?" Common mistake. It's "Rio".

5) Performing arts teacher Lionel Richie is drawn to the inner beauty of a blind female student that also has a lot of outer beauty.

6) Sade-- my wife-to-be after she overcomes her phobia about living in the states-- gets tangled up in a bit of fateful espionage. This is the expanded version of a classic.


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