Wednesday, December 15, 2010

And he's not even Muslim

Bradley Manning, the U.S. soldier accused of leaking classified military documents to WikiLeaks, has been held under solitary confinement and cruel and inhumane conditions for seven months now and counting. He's alone in his cell for 23 of 24 hours each day, and allowed neither a pillow nor a bed sheet. Damn, if only we could think of a crime to charge him with.


Michael Moore won't let us down. The filmmaker put his money where his mouth is, contributing $20,000 to the bail posting for Julian Assange, then writing a letter telling us why.


When the U.S. Department of Justice isn't torturing, suspending habeas corpus, and chasing down steroid users, it sometimes does its job and sues corporate criminals. Unfortunately, there's no word yet about a pursuit of prison sentences for those accused of negligence and violating federal regulations in connection to the greatest environmental crime in the nation's history. Maybe if we had found Barry Bonds' fingerprints on the BP/Halliburton oil rig.


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