Monday, August 16, 2010

"I worship the void. The mystery": The near death of a committed atheist

I've linked articles by Christopher Hitchens quite a few times over the years. Whether I share the journalist's general attitude or not (and I do more often-- Jerry Falwell, Bill Clinton, Pope Benedict-- than I don't-- the War on Iraq), he's always worth the engagement for he's an intellectual in the grandest tradition, a man of reason in a world starved of them.

Now Hitchens is battling cancer, and the prospect of one of the world's most emboldened atheists dying a painful, debilitating death is just too perfect a plot twist for some contemptible persons within the more cynical religious faiths. Leave it to author Roger Ebert, instead, to give us the perfect literary insight partially into the man, but mostly into the man's challenge.


Holy smokes. This guy sure whines a lot.


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