Sunday, August 01, 2010

Wedding weekend

The wedding day of America's favorite little girl arrived today-- August 1, 2010. No, I'm not talking about Chelsea Clinton, and I'm not talking about Alicia Keys, though both those women were married this weekend. I'm talking instead about little Lisa Simpson.

It was predicted by a fortune-teller during an episode of "The Simpsons" 15 years ago that Lisa would walk down the aisle to marry sophisticated Brit Hugh Parkfield at one o'clock Springfield Standard Time on this date.

The ceremony never actually came off. The bride refused to cede to her beau's wishes that she abandon her family forever, and the fortune-teller finally admitted that she "specializes in foretelling relationships where you get jerked around," but the nuptials provided the backdrop for one of the most touching episodes in the series' run. "Lisa's Wedding" won the Emmy for Outstanding Animated Program in 1995, it has made multiple ten-best lists, with creator James L. Brooks calling it his favorite, and it even became study material for a University of California Berkeley sociology course.

Here's a YouTube tribute to daughters inspired by the episode.


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