Friday, May 01, 2009

Steroids in context

Philosophy professor and author Alva Noe has just written the definitive article on steroid use in sports.

Finally, some perspective. Clip and save the link above.

We are natural by design; we are designed by nature and culture. Once this basic fact about ourselves is clearly in focus, we are forced to acknowledge that using of steroids or other performance-enhancing drugs does not cross a bright line when it comes to personal responsibility. The athlete's reliance on steroids is no different in principle from a reliance on training techniques, newly designed footwear, sunglasses, mitts, nutrition or the computer-graphic analysis of plays. We are what we do and are not entirely self-sufficient in determining the scope of what we do.

Perhaps it's the slugger who eventually passes Barry Bonds on the all-time home run list that will deserve an asterisk with his new record since club owners are now colluding for a second consecutive season to keep Bonds from employment and from adding to his record total.


Downtown Des Moines' most beautiful building is being foreclosed.


I work 40 hours a week at my job, with health benefits and retirement contributions by my employer, and I just completed a week of vacation during which I was paid my full hourly wage. For this, I would like to take the time to publicly thank the martyrs of Haymarket Square in Chicago, who were killed in the fight for dignity and better lives for workers after the riots of this date in 1886.

On May 1st each year, all across the globe, humans gather to celebrate the sacrifices of the eight murdered anarchists of Chicago and of those striving since to lift our fellows from the oppression of the monied interests. But in the United States and Canada, we exchange May Day baskets filled with baubles, trinkets, and sugary nothings. I guess the financiers and corporate paymasters of North America don't feel that it's safe quite yet to rededicate the workers' holiday to its original intent. And they're right not to have. The danger of citizen empowerment still lurks.


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