Monday, October 16, 2006

The chide of the Yankees

Baseball still resonates like no other American sport and few other cultural enterprises. A conservative like George Will can cast an eye towards the 2006 New York Yankees and see disproved in them "the efficacy of pitching large sums (of money) at social problems," and the damaging effects of the "entitlement mentality bred by the welfare state." Whereas, it's evident to a wide-eyed radical like me that the '06 Yankees represent instead the abject and fundamental failure of putting commerce before human chemistry, and the danger of laying all of one's dreams at the feet of the capitalist system.

Food for thought. Chow down.


Anarchists, vagrants, and burglars, oh my! If you're in New York City this week enjoying some of that old fashioned National League playoff baseball, or just seeking some pre-Halloween chills in Manhattan, you'll want to check out a rather intriguing art exhibit I found profiled. Also coming to a bookstore near you, it's "Least Wanted: A Century of American Mugshots." Enjoy the slide show at the link, and see if you can tell the characters in this particular (and literal) Rogue's Gallery from the social pariahs found at the backend of the Cardinals' and Mets' starting pitching rotations.


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