Thursday, February 03, 2005

The funny

Tomorrow night, I'm gonna check out comedian Mitch Hedberg at the Val Air Ballroom in Des Moines. Mitch has become one of Dave's favorite guests on the Late Show. His latest CD is "Mitch All Together" and comes with a DVD of his television performances.


Not a Mitch Hedberg joke:

The kids are grown and an older couple buys a condo down in Florida.
The night before they move in, they have dinner out. The next morning, the other condo owners have a coffee party for them. One man asks the newcomer if he thinks he is going to like it there. The newcomer replies, "You bet. You are really nice folks and we like our apartment a lot. And by the way, we went to a neighborhood restaurant last night and it was terrific."
The first man says, "Tell me, what was the name of the restaurant?" The newcomer goes blank. He replies, "Well, you've got to help me out. What is the name of the flower that grows on a thick stem and has a lot of thorns on it? The flower comes in lots of different colors?"
The other man says, "Rose."
The newcomer says, "Rose, yeah, that's it, a rose," and he turns to his wife and says, "Rose, what was the name of that restaurant we went to last night?"


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