Thursday, November 19, 2020

A tribute

A poetry mash-up of the tweets and the wisdom of Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the schemes and insights of Muhammad Ali 

Last night I had a dream 
The world had changed and it had started with me 
Elections were joyous, celebratory events. It was capitalism’s last stand, 
And a person’s ZIP code didn’t determine his or her destiny 

Our identity forms our methods. That is how we ran. 
Take our femininity, you take our power. I’m not going to compromise who I am. 
You have to have a stake in the game. Congress is too old. 
We owe it to the future to make demands. We shouldn’t be afraid to be bold. 

The nation is never too broken to fix. Working people deserve their due. 
Stimulus checks, rent insurance, mortgage relief, small business support, And free hazard pay and health care for the uninsured, or is that too socialist too? 

We can't knock on anybody's doors, we have to build our own house.
Challenges we champion, hopes we raise, and passions we rouse. 
Free college for all, abolish ICE, defund the police, a Green New Deal 
Taking care of the world’s children and saving the planet is not a conspiracy. 
As Ali said, if my mind can conceive it, if my heart can believe it-- then I can achieve it. 
And as Ilhan says, We must see others’ struggles as our own, and their success as our success, so we can speak to our common humanity. 

We must #EmbraceTheBase. We are called to be a people-powered machine. 
You’re never too late, too early, or too imperfect to pursue your dreams. 
In the service of those that need it the most, we are called upon to give all that we have to give. 
In a modern, moral and wealthy society, no person should die because they are too poor to live 

Women dance-- and congresswomen dance too. It doesn’t matter what anybody else is saying. 
Respect the hustle, watch the transformation, get used to us slaying 
We can't get along so we gotta get it on.
Speak truth to power and inspire a generation, like Muhammad Ali 
Inspire a generation and speak truth to power, like AOC


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