Thursday, September 25, 2014

Holder departing

Why would an African-American attorney general step down during an election year when the focus on the criminal justice system is finally being focused on the issue of race? This is weird.


Eric Holder has lived and worked in a professional world that is defined by the concept of "precedent." The legacy he leaves behind is his support for U.S. policy that citizens of the state may be assassinated by their government without a trial and even without being formally charged with a crime. The man never prosecuted a CIA agent, an FBI eavesdropper, a torturer, a war-on-terror human rights abuser, a war profiteer, or a Wall Street banker. He preferred instead to target whistle blowers and journalists. History will be.. shall we say... unkind.


Sorry for the week off. I'm suffering from Jeter fever. I could have purchased a round-trip ticket from Des Moines to Paris. Instead, I took the money and purchased a five-pack of Yankees caps with Jeter retirement patches.


I don't want to say that Major League Baseball has done a poor job of selling its great players to the sporting public, but I have seen more television commercials this month starring fantasy football guru Matthew Berry than I have commercials with Major League Baseball players.


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