Monday, November 18, 2013

American politics today: warts and more warts

Elizabeth Warren says she's not running for president, beginning the cycle again. Every four years, "liberal" Democrats refuse to run against establishment Democrats. It's one disappointment after another, a charade really to believe the prospect of competing candidates and ideas is even a possibility. The second major American political party of no ideas is about to go another election cycle without any debate. It's Hillary Clinton and nobody else.


My fervent wish this early holiday season is for some industrious hacker to make public all of the private records of Supreme Court justices and Republicrat politicians that prop up the NSA. To watch the ogres try to spin their hypocrisy would cause me to bliss out.


Darth and Mrs. Vader came out today in favor of their daughter's homophobia against their other daughter. Liz Cheney campaigning publicly to strip all legal rights away from the marriage between her sister Mary and Mary's wife, and then Mom and Dad defending Liz's bigotry is a level of crass political opportunism that could make a Clinton wince. Would you sell out your sister or your daughter for a Senate primary victory in Wyoming?


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