Monday, July 15, 2013

The dehumanization of Trayvon

The verdict in the George Zimmerman trial is just more evidence that we are living in a police state. Vigilantes are now effectively self-deputized to hunt unarmed black male teenagers and when they succeed in murdering one, the police—in the absence of public pressure—see no reason to take the perpetrator into custody or even to administer a toxicology test. Zimmerman had admitted taking two prescription drugs, Temazepan and Adderall, that can cause aggression, insomnia, and hallucinations. The jurors never heard that evidence because the police on duty looked upon the crime scene and didn’t see a crime.

Flash forward: the jury verdict is read and the same police department in Florida threatens a violent response to any civil unrest that might result from the court’s judgment. The police’s veiled message to African-American protesters is the same one that Zimmerman tried to relay to Trayvon Martin when he stalked him: You are animals.


When you read stories online about Edward Snowden, it's obvious that many of the anonymous comments being posted attacking him are FBI plants. Of course it's impossible to know which ones are or how many, but it's kind of fun to make a guessing game out of it. If you think the concept of character-assassinating people with left-wing political opinions died with Hoover, you're the crazy one. The bureau is more lawless today than ever, as the individual reveals-- and then the attempted prosecutions-- of WikiLeaks prove. Snowden is Greenwald is Manning is Assange is Ellsberg is Peltier is Newton is Davis is Savio is Malcolm X is King is Parks is even Albert Einstein. The FBI is our national political police.


Barack Obama and Henry Kissinger have both won the Nobel Peace Prize. If the award were more inconsequential, it would be the Heisman Trophy. But for what it's worth, Edward Snowden is nominated to win it.


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