Tuesday, February 12, 2013

A couple lines about several different things

You already knew that North Korean madboy Kim Jung-un was malignantly uncool. But seriously, guy, a 5.1 magnitude nuclear test on Fat Tuesday? There were no revelry parades tonight in Pyongyang. Again.


A viewing gallery full of gun victims and Ted Nugent?! I don't know how anybody could not want to watch the State of the Union address tonight.


I know you Midwestern ladies were all thinking of running out and searching for skunks this week, what with Valentine's Day approaching, but Pepe LePew aside, the one you find would most likely be rapid.


Speaking of skunks, I was in a car in Texas with a group of Kenyans back in December. We were on a rural stretch of interstate at night when the pungent smell of the stink badger came wafting into the cab. I quickly guessed that my immigrant companions had heard tell of the most-acrid-smelling North American mammal, but wouldn't recognize it to breath it. I was right. And I felt like Marlon Perkins. People travel the world over to explore Kenyan's spectacular wildlife. For a shining moment, I got to be the safari guide.


It's a shame. Stan Musial had been the obvious choice to be the next Pope. Unless he was too young.


Dropping the sport of wrestling from the Olympic games is an appalling decision. You might know that I never cared for the sport myself. I bowed out of participation in high school due to my inflexible policy: no sports where they have to disinfect the playing surface. Sadly though, the next generation of Olympic viewers will never know what the phrase "Greco-Roman" means. Of course, the previous generation never knew either. Now all we'll have are the SmackDowns.


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