Tuesday, November 20, 2012

When Iowa had a .500 football team

A colorful letter written by Kurt Vonnegut has surfaced that pertains to his time at the University of Iowa. The famed author was offering advice to a colleague making his way to the Iowa Writers' Workshop just as Vonnegut was departing the program in 1967.

This document, part of a series of Vonnegut's private letters being published for the first time, is a must-read. He offers useful advice on dealing with university faculty, living in Iowa City, visiting Cedar Rapids, dating co-eds, and attending local sporting events.


Here's a thought-provoking article explaining why the addition of Rutgers and Maryland to the Big 10 Conference is not a guaranteed triumph for all schools involved. The author's gist: nonprofit educational institutions can only spend so much money, bundled cable television pricing is dying, and New York City doesn't give a hoot about college football.


So Republicans are pissed at Chris Christie because he refused to politicize a hurricane?


Debbie Downer: Am I the only one that thinks the presidential and gubernatorial “turkey pardons” are in bad taste? Chief executives get to decide which humans get to live and die in this country, I get it, but I don’t think public murder is funny so I don’t find these photo ops particularly “cute”. They're just an annual reminder of how cheap life is in this republic.


On a related note, did you know about this disgusting government crime?


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