Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Mad Man

Mild "Mad Men" spoiler alert: The network suits never get it. How hilarious was it to watch an episode of TV's best show Sunday night in which the partners at Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce literally pimp out their office manager for the financial betterment of the agency, then we go to commercial and see an advertisement for the new "Mad Men"-inspired AMC reality series "The Pitch"? The tagline on the ad: "How far will these people go to land the account? Next on 'The Pitch.'"

It's in this spirit of keeping a grip on my soul that I offer this idea I had for a TV commercial to the world free of charge. I'm not looking to profit. For me, it's only about internal gratification.

Imagine this being read by Jon Hamm...

We see a crowded city street. People are walking briskly. We hear only the sound of traffic. Men and women are moving in and out of focus, but our eyes are drawn to a couple slow dancing in the middle of the street, unhurried. They are sharing an iPod and a set of headphones, one earbud in his ear, one in hers. As we cut to camera two, we now hear what they hear. The street noise is completely tuned out, replaced with the song they're dancing to, let's say, "Tell It Like It Is," by Aaron Neville, or "If This World Were Mine," by Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell.

It still needs a tagline, but this could be an ad for iPods, of course, or blue jeans, boner pills, whatever. There you go. Million dollar image. From me to you.


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