Sunday, April 22, 2012

25 years of Fox

I was in middle school when the Fox Television Network debuted in 1987. The network televises a 25th anniversary special tonight. The principal contribution of "Fox attitude" TV has been lifting the lid off comedy programming and taking it to admirably absurd levels, much of it animated, and frankly all of it inspired ultimately by the 1980's irreverence of David Letterman. These are the best 5 Fox shows of all-time in my opinion...

1) The Simpsons (1989-present)
2) King of the Hill (1997-2010)
3) Arrested Development (2003-2006)
4) Family Guy (1999-2003, 2005-present)
5) Get a Life (1990-1992)


Don't be fooled by the sales campaign yet again from President Obama. This time we're talking about the JOBS bill that was birthed by Republican Eric Cantor, and signed into law by our president. Among other features, this new law attempts to encourage startups by freeing them from the chains of independent accounting requirements for the first five years of business, and also loosens the regulations on the honest representation of stock investments. Why are we bringing "the bubble" back to Wall Street? Well, because the unspoken benefit of the first bubble collapse was just how many insiders in the game got rich off of it. The giants are even "too big-ger to fail" now than they were the last time. Rolling Stone's Matt Taibbi, again, has the specifics of an Obama betrayal.


This is my new all-time favorite baseball statistic: 49-year-old Jamie Moyer of the Colorado Rockies, who became the oldest person to ever win a Major League Baseball game this week, has pitched to 8.9% of MLB hitters ever.


Quote of the day: My 7-year-old sister, Katya, visiting me this weekend, "Do you think my reading strategies are improving?"


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