Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The silly season

The Republican Presidential Primaries are interesting in a Lindsey Lohan-train wreck kind of way. The fact that nobody mentions is that President Obama has always had the backing of Wall Street and of our establishment financial/political class. He was vetted by Wall Street when he was still Democratic Candidate Obama in 2007, received its stamp of approval then, and has never lost it. Rhetoric to the contrary is-- as they say-- only politics.

How do we know all of this is true? Because if the political establishment really thought that Obama was a "socialist," or a threat to the oligarchy in any conceivable way, we would have a better, and much less comical, slate of challengers on the Republican side (as well as at least one Obama alternative on the Democratic side). No, a second Obama term is A-OK with the wielders of power in this nation, as they've demonstrated time and now time again with their campaign contributions in a pair of national races four years apart, and so the goal of the Republican primary season all along, instead, has simply been to push the media debate further and further to the right. The candidate clowns each take a turn as "frontrunner" in the center of the Big Top, being forced upon the populace one-by-one, until even Newt the Hutt, the lowest-form of pompous, disreputable political sludge not named Santorum, gets a chance.

Trump, Bachmann, Perry, and Cain were all elevated to "serious candidate" status at one point or another this year by a traditional news media still intent on selling the national presidential campaign as a harbinger of meaningful ideas. The large hole in the center fools almost no one. Even the frightened reactionaries of the far right-wing of the U.S. political landscape, the mullahs of the Western World, are smart enough to turn their backs from these bloviating bozos.

I tremble to think how lost we would be-- and indeed, used to be-- in our larger national debate (the one above the news media) without the buckets of stone cold truth being dumped upon us on all sides by Occupy groups from coast-to-coast-- and against the growing threat of violence besides. As always, the use of physical force against truth-tellers betrays the deficiency of ideas to combat them instead. But maybe it's the empty debate we actually have to thank. Into the largest voids often step the clearest solutions.


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