Wednesday, July 07, 2010

While away...

Sorry for my week-long blogging absence. I was on hiatus studying Chinese so that I may one day soon translate for you the reader comments on this website.

Fortunately (or unfortunately, as the case may be), I didn't miss a whole heck of a lot in the news. The world isn't spinning so fast this summer. Crude oil still shoots out violently from the floor of the Gulf of Mexico. Washington politicians are all engaged in lengthier vacations than mine at the pricey, tropical homes corporate lobbyists have enabled them to purchase. Rush Limbaugh is still a jackass. (On this matter, he's not only wrong about the motive, his memory fails him in regards to the original perpetrator.)

In other headlines--

An editor at CNN gets Helen Thomas-ed.

A Russian spy is nabbed by authorities for her involvement in international espionage, but she's not deterred from making off with our tender hearts on her way out.

Lindsay Lohan receives the judicial thrashing Americans have been begging for. Take that, young sexualized air of entitlement!

LeBron James makes no announcement, as of yet, on his professional basketball future, though his name emanates from the television in my hotel room in San Diego at a clip of about once every 72 seconds.

Woody Allen is asked by a London paper to name the six best Woody Allen movies, but he names instead, I believe, the six that he feels need the biggest critical or commercial boost. Because those six can't be right.

Cardinals manager Tony LaRussa is still a Republican. (Yes, he always has been, if reports are to be believed. He just disguises it under a layer of vegetarianism.)

River levels rose and threatened residential and commercial areas of Des Moines, but so far, so good.

Serena Williams captures her 13th Grand Slam championship with this year's Wimbledon. I contend that if you couple Serena's court accomplishments with those of her sister, add in the dominance they've enjoyed as doubles partners, you've got yourself the greatest sports story of the last decade. Any debate here?

A 5.4 magnitude earthquake startles Southern California the day following the Moeller Family Reunion.

In a still-potentially big story, Prince declares the death of the interwebs. Gather ye blog musings while ye may.


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