Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Quotes of the day 4/8/09

Heroic quote of the day: Iowa Senate Majority Leader Mike Gronstal, in a floor speech that's making the rounds on YouTube, "One of my daughters was in the workplace one day, and her particular workplace at that moment in time there were a whole bunch of conservative, older men. And those guys were talking about gay marriage. They were talking about discussions going on across the country. And my daughter Kate, after listening to it for about 20 minutes, said to them: 'You guys don't understand. You've already lost. My generation doesn't care.' I think I learned something from my daughter that day, when she said that. And I've talked with other people about it and that's what I see, Senator McKinley. I see a bunch of people that merely want to profess their love for each other, and want state law to recognize that. Is that so wrong? I don't think that's wrong. As a matter of fact, last Friday night, I hugged my wife. You know I've been married for 37 years. I hugged my wife. I felt like our love was just a little more meaningful last Friday night because thousands of other Iowa citizens could hug each other and have the state recognize their love for each other. No, Senator McKinley, I will not co-sponsor a leadership bill with you."

Wry quote of the day: Sardonic online commentator "icemilkcoffee" in a comment thread about actor Nicholas Cage having to sell off his castle in Bavaria due to the global economic crisis, "Glad he still has another castle to fall back on. Otherwise he would be castleless."

Humorous quote of the day: Film critic Roger Ebert in an open letter to Bill O'Reilly in yesterday's Chicago Sun-Times, "Bill, I am concerned that you have been losing touch with reality recently. Did you really say that you are more powerful than any politician? That reminds me of the famous story about Squeaky the Chicago Mouse. It seems that Squeaky was floating on his back along the Chicago River one day. Approaching the Michigan Avenue lift bridge, he called out, 'Raise the bridge! I have an erection!'"


Bonus link to other reading material: Two investors swindled by Bernie Madoff have exacted their revenge.


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