Monday, December 01, 2008

My most personal post ever

There's not much in my inbox these days. The Thanksgiving season slows down the news cycle, baseball's on hiatus, this year's film season is dryer than the Sahara, and the public disclosure of Bill Clinton's Rogue's Gallery of foundation contributors is still days away. If All-Pro wide receivers weren't shooting themselves in the leg and Wal-Mart employees getting trampled to death so that mouth-breathing twits can stake their claim to half-price Hannah Montana guitar video games, there wouldn't be any news at all.

So what's new with me, you ask? Well, not just the same old same old. I'm probably two weeks ahead of my normal routine in Christmas shopping. My 4-year-old sister's going to love her new "dress up" clothing trunk. (I can reveal this gift on the blog as she never reads it. She thinks it's "too preachy.") My motor vehicle is currently in the body shop after an unfortunate thumping in my workplace parking lot. My fantasy football team, the St. Louis Clydesdales, are the top scoring team in the league this year, and we're headed to the playoffs. I've been hangin' with a cool chick named Melissa, whom many of you met at the Moeller TV Festival. (She was the one doing the knitting.) We've got plans to be in Chicago this coming weekend, and in New York City for a long weekend early in January. I hope to do a little travel-blogging in relationship to these excursions.

What's new with you?


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